
journal 10 !

    When I become a teacher, I think I will use data collection tools or surveys quite frequently. I would use them for fun things such as collecting information like students' birthdays or favorite colors and also for getting feedback on certain activities done in the classroom. I would also provide anonymous surveys for students to fill out to let me know if they're struggling with things whether in the classroom or outside the classroom without feeling exposed. I could also use these tools for subject specific activities in the classroom.     I have really liked reading and looking over my classmates' blogs over the course of the semester! It was interesting to read about what kind of teacher they want to become or if they didn't want to become a teacher at all. It was also cool to read about the different things we took from each assignment and to compare them to what I took from the assignments. I also enjoyed seeing how everyone uniquely des...

journal 9 !

      My experience as a distance learner has been pretty good so far. When we first went online last spring semester, I struggled a bit with having all online classes from home. It was harder to find motivation to focus and do my work. Now that it's been almost a year since we've gone online, I've gotten the hang of it and I sometimes even enjoy having some of my classes online. When I'm a teacher, something I could do to help improve the experience of distance learners is give my students online opportunities to build connections and relationships with their classmates. That is one thing that I have missed doing since distance learning has started.      Open educational resources or (OER) are resources that are free and available for teachers or learning purposes. One example of an open educational resource is Khan Academy. Khan Academy is a free tool for students and teachers to use that gives access to online videos and practice exercises. I have p...

journal 8 !

      Last week, I learned a lot of new skills when designing my own website for the Web Design assignment. Once thing new I learned was how to insert hyperlinks into my website. After learning how to use the hyperlink function on for the Web Design assignment, I was able to also use it in my PowerPoint Interaction assignment. I genuinely enjoyed this assignment and had so much fun designing my own website! H ere is the link to my website:     One thing in specific I have learned for Diigo is tagging certain topics in my post for easy access to them. It makes it easier for readers to find posts on the subjects they're looking for. This application can be very useful in the classroom for sharing students' work and even using peer's work for research. This could also be useful in a professional setting for employees and sending out announcements or tasks.      In today's day and age, teachers are tasked with be...

journal 6 !

      This week, I used Diigo for the first time for our EME 2040 class. I really liked how everyone can share website links all in one space and can comment on them. I definitely think it's a great tool for classroom learning. I also liked that you could tag different words, so if someone was searching for a certain site, they'd be able to find it more easily.      So far, i'm really enjoying blogging! I have always wanted to try it out, so this has been a great learning experience so far! I've really enjoyed the design aspect of blogging and picking out the layout of my page. I also enjoyed learning how to embed my Twitter handle and the Creative Commons license into my page.      A Web 2.0 tool that I could potentially use for teaching is Grammarly. Grammarly is a free writing tool assistant that can be an aid when writing emails or even essays. The algorithm of Grammarly is able to detect mistakes and offer suggestions...

journal 5 !

      I don't have a personal Twitter account, and I have yet to make an account for this class. Once I do make my account, I plan on adapting to the app and interacting with my classmates. Since I am unfamiliar with Twitter, I am excited to join and see specifically how the app can be used for teachers! I think it can be very useful in my future career for connecting with other teachers and sharing ideas.     Digital divide is the gape between those who have access to computers and the internet and those who do not have access to computers and the internet. This is an ever present issue in our world today. The digital divide affects both students and teachers. It can seriously hinder a student's success in school. Not having access to computers or the internet at home can set back students from the rest and give them an unfair disadvantage. When I become a teacher, one way I plan on combating the digital divide is by going to a computer lab and d...

journal 4 !

      The Florida Department of education has put out resources to help teachers use technology for their specific grade levels. This resource is called ELA technology standards. For first grade, there are three technology standards in place. One of which is knowing how to use various text features such as headings, glossaries, and menus to locate facts or information in a text. Based on my current skill set, I feel I would be able to implement this standard. I have had lots of practice in my own educational experience as a student, and believe I could use it in my own classroom someday as a teacher.     The resource I have selected from the CPALMS educator tool kit is a first grade english language arts activity. This activity is for a grammar lesson on punctuation. The activity follows a video where the students learn how to use different types of punctuation while playing a virtual soccer game. I would use this resource in my lesson as a fun way for my s...

journal 3 !

      In today's day and age, teachers have to deal with the issues of copyright and fair use. Copyright is a legal right given to someone who creates and puts out material that is not allowed to be used by others without permission. These creators and their work is protected by the copyright law. Fair use is the exception to the copyright rule. Fair use is a doctrine in the copyright law that says some copyright material may be used without permission or consequence for news reporting, teaching, and research. Dealing with both copyright and fair use as a teacher seems like it would be tedious and exhausting. I feel like it is always important to air on the side of caution and create your own materials instead of getting a potential lawsuit over using someone else's.      Along with the benefits and positive things technology contributes to education, there are some issues that arise. Two issues that I find to be extremely important are academic dishon...