
Showing posts from January, 2021

journal 3 !

      In today's day and age, teachers have to deal with the issues of copyright and fair use. Copyright is a legal right given to someone who creates and puts out material that is not allowed to be used by others without permission. These creators and their work is protected by the copyright law. Fair use is the exception to the copyright rule. Fair use is a doctrine in the copyright law that says some copyright material may be used without permission or consequence for news reporting, teaching, and research. Dealing with both copyright and fair use as a teacher seems like it would be tedious and exhausting. I feel like it is always important to air on the side of caution and create your own materials instead of getting a potential lawsuit over using someone else's.      Along with the benefits and positive things technology contributes to education, there are some issues that arise. Two issues that I find to be extremely important are academic dishon...

journal 2 !

     throughout my education experience thus far, i have used microsoft word numerous times. i started using word in elementary school on my mom's computer to write research papers, and continued to use it throughout middle school. when i got to high school, i started using google docs for everything instead of microsoft word. now that i'm in college, i go back and forth between the two. if i had to pick which one i prefer using, i'd probably pick google docs just because i feel like it's simpler to use.      ISTE standards lay out a plan to help students become better learners. there are 7 standards: learner, leader, citizen, collaborator, designer, facilitator, and analyst. i think the most important standard is learner. this standard is the most meaningful to me because it highlights the fact that everyone. teachers included, never really stops learning. there is always something to learn or learn from. teachers set the example for their students by prac...

journal 1 !

     hi everyone, i'm jenna! welcome to my blog! i'm a sophomore at florida state university and an elementary education major. in my free time i enjoy going to the beach, dancing, and hanging out with friends.     i have some previous experience using technology in the educational setting. the main forms of technology i've used are microsoft word, powerpoint, and exel. i have used these mostly in the role of a student and other times in the role of a tutor or teacher assistant. i have also used the internet and search engines in an educational setting.     the resources i most frequently use are the internet, planners, and my peers. i use the internet to research and learn about new things. i use a planner to keep myself organized and on time. i use my peers to study or work in a small group setting.